These are all side projects that are in some stage of development. They're not money-makers, but they do bring me a lot of joy in the creative-fulfillment area.
The Uke Buddies are a fun-loving ukulele duo who specialize in kids music that is meant to appeal to the youngsters while not making their parents want to stab their eye with a screwdriver.
I animated all of the music videos for their first album, "Safari," and had so much fun doing it.
Boy, is this ever a dumb podcast. I absolutely love recording it, but do very little in the self-promotion department because it is truly so dumb. Me and my good friend Adam Ellis of internet fame ask each other silly questions based on a random theme word we come up with usually hours before recording. I hope we record episodes until we're living in the same nursing home and beyond.
My partner Jason and I love to travel. And since we're living breathing humans, we love to eat. We wanted to document our travels in a way that didn't feel generic, so we decided to take short videos of every food item we ingest while abroad. I think maybe like 15 people have seen this site because we don't really advertise it, but I have a lot of fun writing it and creating custom illustrations.
I don't update this blog anymore, but for about two years in the early aughts it was my main creative output and a weird little look into minor internet fame. It's autobiographical blog posts interspersed with narrational illustrations and animations. I stopped updating in 2014, but I'm proud of it - even the cringey parts - so I keep the archives around.
Now HERE'S some cringey blogging. The writing is that of a 21 year old for sure, but I am so proud of the overall output. Every week, for one year, I baked and decorated a 6-inch cake. I learned a ton of lessons in the process, perhaps the most valuable being the amazing feeling of setting a goal and truly holding myself accountable.